© RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at
    Our brand partners stand for quality and regionality

    Southern Styrian QUality Brands

    Quality and origin of the products or services are the focus of the "Südsteiermark Qualität" (Southern Styrian Quality) brand. By buying regional products, consumers can contribute to supporting the regional economy, regional agriculture and regional tourism.

    In the food and culinary sector, besides the demand for freshness and quality, the origin of products is an important factor. In the economic sector, production in the region is an important value-added factor that creates jobs and income, and sets impulses for a continuing value-added chain. Due to the long-standing trend of sourcing raw materials and products from within the region, regional identity values are usually also preserved or created, such as through the production of products typical of the region, through products from typical cultural landscapes or through the involvement of regional crafts and production companies.

    Many also appreciate the climate and environmental factors of regional production, which benefit from the use of raw materials from the region or short transport routes.

    Take a look and convince yourself quality partners' products - we are already convinced!

    Our partner companies

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    Anton Mayer bei der Arbeit | © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at
    • open today
    • Gleinstätten

    Mayer Honigwelt

    A love of natural craftsmanship and respectful treatment of bees are the guiding principles of our family business....
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    Köstlichkeiten aus eigener Produktion | © Imkerei Rosmann
    • Lebring-St. Margarethen

    Naturhof Rosmann

    Honey, propolis, vinegar and seed oil from southern Styria.
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    Kürbiskernöl der Ölmühle Kaufmann | © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at
    • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

    Ölmühle Kaufmann - Kürbis im Kopf

    We, the family Kaufmann-Feldbacher have literally only pumpkin in mind. In addition to our contract threshing business...
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    Kürbiskernöl der Ölmühle Kaufmann | © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at
    • St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

    Ölmühle Kaufmann - Kürbis im Kopf

    We, the family Kaufmann-Feldbacher have literally only pumpkin in mind. In addition to our contract threshing business...
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    Ölmühle_Pronnegg_023_kleine_Bildgröße | © Pronnegg
    • open today
    • Deutschlandsberg

    Ölmühle Pronnegg

    Visit the new Pronnegg oil mill. It was first mentioned in a document in 1542 as the Herrschaftsmühle zu Frauenthal....
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    Peter und seine Hühner | © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at
    • open today
    • Heimschuh

    Posch Hendl

    Quality, regionality, personality, handwork and the respectful treatment of animals, carried out with heart and...
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    Weingartenrestaurant - Ratscher Landhaus | © Karin Bergmann
    • open today
    • Ehrenhausen an der Weinstraße

    Ratscher Landhaus Weingartenrestaurant

    From 18:00 we serve the extended four-course menu "Grosses Glück".
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    Honig der Familie Resch | © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at
    • open today
    • Großklein

    Resch Imkerei Meisterbetrieb und Königinnenzucht

    FOR GENERATIONS - OUR FAMILY BUSINESS SINCE 1943 My grandfather, who was born in 1913, started beekeeping at the age...
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    Kreuwirt_webquartier_1 | © Regionalmanagement Südweststeiermark GmbH/webquart
    • open today
    • Leutschach an der Weinstraße

    Restaurant Kreuzwirt

    The south begins here at the Pößnitzberg estate. Where the day begins with a smile.
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    Hotel Weinlandhof_2 | © Weinlandhof
    • open today
    • Gamlitz

    Restaurant Weinlandhof

    The place for gourmetsLet us spoil you with culinary delights in our traditional restaurant or in the pavilion with a...
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    Grüne Herzen | © RuMA Genusswerkstatt
    • Hengsberg

    RuMa Genusswerkstatt

    We sell krendulini or dumplings in many shapes and types.
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    Sabines Seifen Sortiment
    • Kitzeck im Sausal

    Sabines Seifen

    Natural soaps have a millennia-old tradition and have always served the healthy cleaning and care of the skin. In my...
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    Quality and regionality are trademarks of Southern Styria

    Southern Styrian Quality - A trademark

    Southern Styria is known for its wine and its inexhaustible hospitality. But that's not all because the region has much more to offer: numerous activities for culture and sports enthusiasts, places that tell ancient stories, regionally based and internationally successful companies that stand for innovation, sustainability and education, paradisiacal recreational areas and wine that unites nature, culture and humanity in Southern Styria as a regional flagship product.

    © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at

    BEcome a brand partner!

    Are you interested in also becoming a quality brand partner? The "Südsteiermark Qualität" seal of quality is awarded to special products and services of high quality from the Südsteiermark region.

    Learn more

    Südsteiermark Magazin

    Die Südsteiermark präsentiert sich vielfältig und facettenreich. Und so sind auch die Geschichten rund um den südlichsten Teil der Steiermark: spannend, abenteuerlustig, inspirierend, witzig, geschmackvoll, interessant und sympathisch. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst und lesen Sie Geschichten, die das südsteirische Leben schreibt.

    Tipp: Viele spannende Geschichten über die Südsteiermark Markenpartner!

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    Die Marke der Region Südsteiermark dient als regionale Dachmarke und als regionales Herkunftszeichen. 

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