Ein Abend zu dritt_Musiker_Oststeiermark | © Ulli Bäer, Matthias Kempf, Andy Baum Ein Abend zu dritt_Musiker_Oststeiermark | © Ulli Bäer, Matthias Kempf, Andy Baum

Fri., 03/05/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

Ulli BÄER, Matthias KEMPF und Andy BAUM - ein Abend zu dritt

Garnished with delightful anecdotes, this evening is a wonderful opportunity for fans of handmade music to listen, enjoy and laugh!

The three Austropopers Ulli Bäer, Matthias Kempf and Andy Baum have known and appreciated each other for years. Since 2019, they have been playing concerts together. Originally only a few "evenings as a threesome" were planned, now the trio is entering their sixth year together. The mutual curiosity and joy for always new interpretations and the joint discovery of not so well-known works are too great. Thus, no two evenings are alike. And that is good!

In the musical luggage: own songs or borrowed, arranged for three guitars and three distinctive voices.
Andy Baum's "Slow Down" and "Still Remember Yvonne" are on the program as well as new songs in dialect. Ulli Bäer of course has his hits "Der Durscht" or
"Alle Lichter" among others and Matthias Kempf plays both his quiet and funny upbeat songs.


VVK: € 23,- / KH friends and Ö1 € 20,-.

VIP ticket:
-3 culinary appetizers
-1 glass of sparkling wine
-concert tickets with seat reservation

VVK € 34,50,- / KH friends € 31,50,-

Date and time

Fri., 03/05/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock

Event location

Weiz - Kunsthaus Weiz


Kunsthaus Weiz
Rathausgasse 3
8160 Weiz