Buchcover_Suchtfalle_Lebensmittel_Oststeiermark | © Dr. Iris Zachenhofer Buchcover_Suchtfalle_Lebensmittel_Oststeiermark | © Dr. Iris Zachenhofer

Sat., 19/10/2024 from 18:00 o'clock

Dr. Iris Zachenhofer "Out of the food addiction trap"

Recognize addictive potential. Eat in a self-determined way. Reduce weight.

Food can be addictive. This is proven by recent studies. Their manufacturers ensure that we want more and more highly processed foods. At best, we can't stop eating at all.

So it's no wonder that dietary changes and diets have no effect on many people. In this book, two addiction specialists reveal how food producers want to activate our addictive potential and how we can fight back.

Six steps to a self-determined diet.

In cooperation with the bookstore Haas and the Healthy Community!


VVK: € 5,-

AK: € 8,-

Tickets available at all Ö-Ticket offices!

Order tickets online here

Date and time

Sat., 19/10/2024
Starts at: 18:00 O'clock

Event location

Weiz - Kunsthaus, Prof. Hannes Schwarz Hall


Kunsthaus Weiz
Rathausgasse 3
8160 Weiz


Kunsthaus Weiz
Rathausgasse 3
8160 Weiz


Kunsthaus Weiz
Rathausgasse 3
8160 Weiz


Kunsthaus Weiz
Rathausgasse 3
8160 Weiz