Hechtl_Hausverstand_Oststeiermark | © Schmat Hechtl_Hausverstand_Oststeiermark | © Schmat

Wed., 26/06/2024 from 19:00 o'clock

Cabaret in the Weberhaushof - Alexander Hechtl

For a male socialized person, Alexander Hechtl is very good at talking about his dings. That's why he makes jokes, plays songs and tells stories.

As encouraging and multi-layered as a mocha with croissants for breakfast in the evening. Most people interested in philosophy get as far as knowing that they know nothing. But Alexander Hechtl did not stop at this point. He has gone through it for us so that he can now say that he doesn't want to. And to finally admit to himself that he can't anyway. In short: a wappler who has realized that he is one. But it's not just about him, it's also somehow about us. In his first full-length program, he works towards us being able to meet as equals as Wapplers at some point. But it takes a great deal of sensitivity and skill to hold our attention until this realization - qualities that Alexander Hechtl possesses in spades. His eager philosopher's mind analyzes the most mundane idiocies with the precision and meaningfulness of a shepherd dog catching a Frisbee.


VVK: € 20,- incl. welcome drink & 2 rolls

Tickets available at Stadtservice, Stadtmarketing and Kulturbüro!

Order tickets online here

Date and time

Wed., 26/06/2024
Starts at: 19:00 O'clock

Event location

Weiz - Kulturheuriger


Südtiroler Platz 1
8160 Weiz


Südtiroler Platz 1
8160 Weiz


Südtiroler Platz 1
8160 Weiz


Südtiroler Platz 1
8160 Weiz