GaalerWeisenblasen-Musik-Murtal-Steiermark | © Manuela Machner GaalerWeisenblasen-Musik-Murtal-Steiermark | © Manuela Machner

Sun., 25/08/2024 10:30 O'clock

30. Gaaler Weisenblasen

30th Gaaler Weisenblasen at the bottom of the Rosenkogel

At the Maria Loretto Chapel on the Rosenkogel, silence and contemplation reign at an altitude of 1800 metres. Always? No - the contemplation remains, but the silence is replaced by harmonious melodies at the traditional Weisenbläsertreffen.

The hike up the Rosenkogel in the morning is already a delight. The path is lined with stalls offering the best local delicacies. With musical support, the ascent is immediately peppy and turns into a joyful experience.

The day starts at 10:30 a.m. with Holy Mass at the Maria Loretto Chapel. The musical accompaniment of the orchestra and the stunning panorama of the surrounding mountains create a very special ambience that not only amazes the listeners and guests. The grazing cattle of the alpine pasture also like to visit the devotion and curiously examine the visitors. Here, people, nature and animals go hand in hand.

On the way back, the hikers are accompanied melodically by the musicians. In the middle of the way back, the stalls with all kinds of delicacies invite you to refresh yourself. Visitors spend the afternoon enjoying good food and refreshing drinks while being entertained by the informal sounds of the musicians, who are spread out all over the grounds.

The Weisenblasen is a purely instrumental performance of folk songs. The event can look back on 27 years of unbroken tradition, and is an incomparable experience that attracts many visitors every year. Spend both contemplative and exuberant hours in convivial company. Discover the Murtal from its most beautiful side - natural, pure and with a lot of heart.

Date and time

Sun., 25/08/2024
Starts at: 10:30 O'clock (Duration: 10 Hours)

Event location

Gaal - Maria Loretto


Musikverein Gaal
Hubert Reumüller
Puchschachen 31a
8731 Gaal


Musikverein Gaal
Hubert Reumüller
Puchschachen 31a
8731 Gaal


Musikverein Gaal
Hubert Reumüller
Puchschachen 31a
8731 Gaal