Natural history excursion around the Kainisch Moor


About the offer

This charming mosaic, consisting of streams, bushes, woodland structures, flowering meadows and moorland complexes, is home to an interesting variety of birds, which we will discover and marvel at together on this day.

These are indeed ecologically valuable areas that are home to a rich fauna and flora and thus attract numerous nature enthusiasts and especially many biologists! Join us on this botanical-zoological discovery tour of a special kind!

Registration under Tel. +43 664 941 60 89

Meeting point

Kainisch train station/south side, Parallelweg (municipality of Bad Mitterndorf)

Price information

Euro 20,00 per person

Can be brought with you

Snack, drinks, binoculars and camera (if available). Please wear weatherproof clothing and good shoes.

Date and time

  • 22 May 2024
  • Wednesday - Starting at 14:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address

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