Bird song hike at Grundlsee


About the offer

The Grundlsee offers a picturesque and impressive landscape with its wonderful surroundings, which has a lot to offer in terms of botany and ornithology!
It has been proven that the surrounding nature with its various sounds has a positive health-promoting effect on the human body and psyche. The sounds and diverse songs that come from the beaks of the various bird species, the rippling and rushing of water and many other positive influences, whether in the form of smells or visual impressions from nature, invigorate our body, mind and soul in a way that has been scientifically proven many times over!

I will tell you how which bird species calls and sings and how you can recognize all the bird species recorded on this day by their vocalizations. Take the opportunity to be out and about in the field with an experienced ornithologist!

Registration under Tel. +43 664 941 60 89

Meeting point

Car parking lot, bus stop Gößl-Siedlung (municipality of Gößl)

Price information

Euro 20,00 per person

Can be brought with you

Snack, drinks, binoculars and camera (if available). Please wear weatherproof clothing and good shoes.

Date and time

  • 30 April 2024
  • Tuesday - Starting at 13:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address

This offer has expired