Seifensieden Spezial mit Milch | © Doris Maier Seifensieden Spezial mit Milch | © Doris Maier

Mon., 12/08/2024 from 18:00 o'clock

Soap boiling speciality with milk

Old craft ...

As you enter the herb kitchen, everything smells of herbs from the soap. You can take two beautiful soaps home with you. Your treasures will have matured in 4-6 weeks. - The recipes are guaranteed palm oil free.

Please bring the following: a pair of gloves, safety goggles, four empty platinum ice-cream tins or margarine tubs and an old towel or blanket.

Herbal course with qualified herbalist Doris Maier, registration required on 0664/ 88 79 58 00,

Further information and a detailed course description can be found at

Location: Zuhause im Kräuterglück, Misselsdorf 155, 8480 Mureck

Time: 6 - 10 pm

Course fee 65 euros incl. materials and documents

Date and time

Mon., 12/08/2024
Starts at: 18:00 O'clock (Duration: 4 Hours)

Event location

Mureck - Zuhause im Kräuterglück, Misselsdorf 155, Mureck


Zuhause im Kräuterglück
Doris Maier
Misselsdorf 155
8480 Mureck
Mobile (0043) 664 88795800


Zuhause im Kräuterglück
Doris Maier
Misselsdorf 155
8480 Mureck
Mobile (0043) 664 88795800


Zuhause im Kräuterglück
Doris Maier
Misselsdorf 155
8480 Mureck
Mobile (0043) 664 88795800


Zuhause im Kräuterglück
Doris Maier
Misselsdorf 155
8480 Mureck
Mobile (0043) 664 88795800

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