Familienwanderung "Wilder John" | © Max Mauthner
Unterwegs mit einem Nationalpark Ranger | © Stefan Leitner
Es geht den Johnsbach entlang | © Stefan Leitner
Wer rettet die Prinzessin? | © Stefan Leitner

Themed Trail: Wild John


About the offer

Follow Johnsbach Creek, that’s the motto of this adventure trail. While doing so you can throw tennis balls onto wooden sculptures and listen to the princesses living in the forest! The adventure trail tells the story of a wild river and a hero.

The trail, with a total length of 3.5 kilometres, starts right in the heart of the National Park, at the parking lot at Weidendom Visitor Centre. It tells the story of the water giant ‘Wild John’. It is also one of the most popular trails in the Gesäuse. By the way, ‘Wild John’ got his name from Johnsbach Creek – the two share a common fate.

Listening and understanding

Johnsbach Creek was once a wild river that did not take orders from anybody, not even the people living nearby. One day Johnsbach Creek was straightened and ‘Wild John’ was imprisoned. As part of a LIFE Project, Johnsbach Creek was renaturalised and according to the tale ‘Wild John’ is freed again. It is up to you whether you would like to find out more about wild rivers by visiting the sparkling creek itself or by hearing all about the legend of ‘Wild John’.

Many small adventures

A variety of different stations invite you to participate, listen and generally be impressed. In the forest you can catch a glimpse of the dwarves’ cave and at the ‘giant’s table’ you can be part of a knowledge quiz – in fact, all around there’s things to see and to do! If you need a break, take a seat on one of the giant swings or dip your toes into the flowing Johnsbach Creek.

Link to tour description

Erlebniszentrum Weidendom

Johnsbacher Sagenweg - The Wild John

Date and time

  • Daily - Starting at o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

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