Heinrichsonntag Unterlamm | © Gemeinde Unterlamm Heinrichsonntag Unterlamm | © Gemeinde Unterlamm

Sun., 14/07/2024 from 09:30 o'clock

St. Henry's sunday with a big folk festival

St. Henry's Sunday and large folk festival with market in the centre of Unterlamm.

St. Heinrich is the parish patron saint of Unterlamm. In his honour, a large folk festival with a huge market with market stallholders is traditionally held every year on Heinrich Sunday.
Fun and musical entertainment all day as well as a wide range of culinary delights on offer from the innkeepers.

A Holy Mass takes place at 9.30 a.m., followed by an all-day market.

Date and time

Sun., 14/07/2024
Starts at: 09:30 O'clock

Event location

Unterlamm - Ortszentrum Unterlamm


Gemeinde Unterlamm
Unterlamm 100
8352 Unterlamm


Gemeinde Unterlamm
Unterlamm 100
8352 Unterlamm


Gemeinde Unterlamm
Unterlamm 100
8352 Unterlamm


Gemeinde Unterlamm
Unterlamm 100
8352 Unterlamm