Vollmondwanderung | © Therme derr Ruhe Vollmondwanderung | © Therme derr Ruhe

Wednesday, 12 February 2025 - Friday, 05 December 2025 Show all dates

Full moon hike with Prof. Dr. Hanslmeier in Bad Gleichenberg

Getting a little closer to the moon

The Moon - still a mystery, the world of planets, the dimensions of the universe, cosmic catastrophes, etc. Prof. Hanslmeier delves into these topics in his lectures. To set the mood, there will be a full moon hike to the observation point Parapluie.

7:30 PM: Hike to the observation point Parapluie. Duration approximately 1 hour. Meeting point in front of the main entrance of the spa.

8:30 PM: Lecture in seminar room 1, 1st floor. Duration approximately 45 minutes.

Date and time

Wed., 12/02/2025
Fri., 14/03/2025
Tue., 07/10/2025
Wed., 05/11/2025
Fri., 05/12/2025
each Starts at: 19:30 O'clock

Event location

Bad Gleichenberg - Treffpunkt vor dem Kurhaus-Eingang

Additional Information

Price information

Hike and lecture: € 16,-/per person

Additional information

Check-in at the hotel reception in the Kurhaus Hotel. email: hotel@daskurhaus.at, Tel: 03159 2294 4001, www.der-pfad-des-lebens.at. Minimum participants: 4 persons, max. 20 persons


Therme der Ruhe Bad Gleichenberg
Untere Brunnenstraße 33
8344 Bad Gleichenberg


Therme der Ruhe Bad Gleichenberg
Untere Brunnenstraße 33
8344 Bad Gleichenberg


Therme der Ruhe Bad Gleichenberg
Untere Brunnenstraße 33
8344 Bad Gleichenberg

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