Södingtal Trio | © Landcafé Kern Södingtal Trio | © Landcafé Kern

Sun., 16/06/2024 from 15:00 o'clock

Södingtal trio in the Landcafé Kern

Folkloric sounds are played at the Landcafé Kern on Sunday afternoon.

The Södingtal Trio plays harmonica, bass violin and guitar at the Landcafé Kern in Afling.

Event location

Bärnbach - Landcafé Kern

Additional Information

Price information

Attention, this afternoon is admission free! Ticket hotline +43 664 9137210



Landcafé Kern
Afling 22
8572 Bärnbach


Landcafé Kern
Andrea u. Markus Kern
Afling 22
8572 Bärnbach