Montan Lehrpfad Arzberg
Educational trail with interesting information about the former mining area around Arzberg in the Almenland Nature Park in Styria.
The trail leads along the tunnels and processing facilities of the old silver mine in Arzberg. The trail starts at the overview board in the centre of the village, then leads along the Raab river, past the powder tower, galleries, mine dumps, ore processing plant and workers' dwellings to the crossroads at the "Grillwirt". The historic "Grillstollen" was located directly opposite the inn building. The path then leads uphill in the beautiful mixed forest to the romantic pigeon fountain. The information boards also provide a little rock science in between. Uphill, you finally reach the highest point of the hike at the "Havok" farmstead. The way back is along a beautiful forest path, the former "Kirchsteig". At a clearing, the "Window into the Almenland" awaits with a beautiful view. The mining trail finally ends at the exhibition mine next to the Arzberg church.
The trail is accompanied by the "silver boys of Arzberg", who tell children about the hard life of the miners.
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More information
The trail is marked throughout with "Montanlehrpfad" signs.
- We start at the overview board at the starting point, cross the bridge over the Raab and turn north on the road.
- Now we can already see the first display boards.
- We walk along the Raab river, past the powder tower, galleries, mine dumps, ore processing plant and workers' dwellings to the crossroads at the "Grillwirt".
- We cross the Raab, directly opposite the inn building was the so-called "Grillstollen". A historical photograph refers to the earlier times.
- The nature trail now turns towards the south and passes just past the former workers' housing.
- We now hike uphill in the beautiful mixed forest to the romantic pigeon fountain.
- After a climb, we reach the "Havok" farmstead and thus the highest point of the hike.
- Just past the buildings, then along the edge of the meadow, we go downhill on a beautiful forest path.
- At a clearing near a logging site, we have a great view of the Röthelstein, the Rote Wand with the Tyrnaueralm, the Hochlantsch and the Osser through the "Almenland window".
- We continue downhill on a forest path. The Montanlehrpfad runs along the Arzberg Kreuzweg for a while and ends at the Heimatmuseum/GH Kirchewirt next to the Arzberg church.
Aussichtsfenster, Passail im Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Pfarrkirche in Arzberg bei Passail, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Montanlehrpfad-Wegweiser, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Einstieg Montanlehrpfad, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Entlang der Raab bei Passail, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Erzaufbereitungsanlage bei Passail, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Fotos amMontanlehrpfad, Passail im Naturpark Almenland, Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Montanlehrpfad in Passail, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Die silbernen Buben, Montanlehrpfad im Naturpark Almenland, Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Aussicht vom Montanlehrpfad, Passail im Naturpark Almenland, Oststeirmark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Gehöft "Havok" in Passail, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Kirchsteig in Arzberg, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Kirchsteig am Montanlehrpfad, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
Ortsansicht von Arzberg bei Passail, Naturpark Almenland in der Oststeiermark | © Oststeiermark Tourismus | Christine Pollhammer
What the weather will be like
Passail (653m)
Some clouds in the morning, lateron much sunshine and hardly any clouds
Partly sunny in the morning, gradually becoming cloudy in the afternoon.
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