I am a Murtalerin - Icefigure | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Anita Fössl Fotografie I am a Murtalerin - Icefigure | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Anita Fössl Fotografie

I am a Murtalerin - Christmas Ice Figure Knittelfeld

  • 2 minutes of reading time
This week's Murtalerin leaves no one cold, even though she is made of ice. The ice sculpture in Knittelfeld attracts many visitors to the Advent market and enchants with its Christmassy, magnificent appearance.

The Ice-Man

Hannes Lubminger is the artist behind the ice sculpture on Knittelfeld's main square. On 15 December, he created the impressive artificial figure, which is made entirely of ice, live and in front of an astonished audience.

The ice figure, which is now around 3 metres long and 2.7 metres high, was created from 12 huge blocks of ice weighing an impressive 1200 kilograms. The ice cot now stands in dazzling splendour at the Advent market in Knittelfeld and shines with the visitors. Here it is spoilt by the scent of warming mulled wine and hot chestnuts. It will continue to fascinate visitors until 24 December, shortening the wait for the long-awaited Christ Child in a magical way.

Icey Interview

Erlebnisregion Murtal: "What connects you to the Murtal?"
Ice sculpture: "Once a year during the beautiful Advent season, I get to visit the Murtal. It's always nice to come back here and be marvelled at by the people of the Murtal. It's a great bonding experience, of course."

Erlebnisregion Murtal: "When do you feel the palpitations in the Murtal?" 
Ice sculpture: "When the visitors to the Christmas market watch in amazement as I emerge piece by piece from ice, then of course I get palpitations."

Erlebnisregion Murtal: "Where is your favourite place in the Murtal?"
Ice sculpture: "Many visitors to the Advent market talk about the fashion railway in Knittelfeld, which, like me, can't always be visited, but attracts lots of guests and beaming faces at Christmas. I'd like to go there one day, I just don't know if it's too warm for me inside. But it would be great to see all the little trains and tracks. Did you know that there's even a little hot air balloon there?"

Make the most of the last days of Advent and visit this special Murtal woman before she retires again. We wish you a Merry Christmas!