Waldlandschaften gekonnt inszenieren 26.- 27.10.


About the offer

Photographing atmospheric forest landscapes poses a special challenge to nature and landscape photography.

High-contrast lighting conditions with a multitude of structures and details demand a considered approach to the motifs as well as a mastery of the basic techniques. On the other hand, few landscapes offer as much material for an intensive photographic examination as the subject of forests. The content of this workshop with nature photographer Franz Josef Kovacs is to stage forest images on a large scale, but also to sharpen the eye for the many small motifs.

Course management, image review

Accommodation is not included in the price, Book now

Own photographic equipment. If you need rental equipment, please contact the organiser in good time.

hiking clothes, rain gear

Studio of the Nationalpark Photoschool in Admont

Start: Saturday 10.00 a.m.

€ 230,00 per participant

Public transportation

Austrian Federal Railway: www.oebb.at
BusTrainBim information: www.busbahnbim.at

bus line 910 or G912
stop Admont, Dr. Genger Platz

Date and time

  • 26 October - 27 October 2024
  • Saturday - Starting at 10:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
