Von der Beobachtung zum Motiv 08.06.-09.06.2024


About the offer

Spontaneous, situation-dependent and intuitive photography - in search of new and creative perspectives.

Depending on the weather, we will use different times of the day and, if possible, also at night and deal with the corresponding light situations. We will spend our time outdoors in the Gesäuse, focusing primarily on nature and image composition on location, but less on the rules of photography and technique. We will also discuss the resulting images in detail and use personal examples to explain Rupert Kogler's special shooting techniques and approaches!

hiking gear, rain gear, snack and drinks at your own discretion.
Own photographic equipment. If you need rental equipment, please contact the organiser on time.

How many places are available on this course? The course takes place with a minimum of 5 participants and a total of 8 places are available.

Who is Rupert Kogler? Rupert Kogler from Upper Austria is a very special kind of nature photographer: "Nature photography enables me not only to feel my connection to intact nature, but also to find my place "out there". It is my small contribution to re-establishing people's essential relationship with pristine nature."

Admont, Studio of the Nationalpark Photoschool.
Start: 14:00 p.m.

€ 230,00 per participant

Overnight accommodation is not included, Book now

If possible, travel to our events by public transport or use the Gesäuse shared cab (+43 3613 21000 99). There is a charge for parking in the Gesäuse National Park (day ticket € 6.00). You can find more information here: Arrival & soft mobility (nationalpark-gesaeuse.at)

Public transportation

Austrian Federal Railway: www.oebb.at
BusTrainBim information: www.busbahnbim.at
bus line 910 or G912
stop Admont, Dr. Genger Platz

Date and time

  • 08 June - 09 June 2024
  • Saturday - Starting at 14:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
