Orchideenspaziergang 1


About the offer

Discover one of the richest orchid populations in Austria!

Why do orchids like it so much here? Together with our orchid specialists, you will explore the diverse habitats of the Gesäuse National Park. Learn interesting details about the structure and life of these fascinating plants.


Weatherproof clothing, weatherproof and sturdy shoes; drink and snack as required.

FAQ / good to know

Does the hike take place in all weathers?      

Yes, because we think our national park is an experience whatever the weather!

Can I bring my four-legged friend with me?

Dogs are not permitted.

Meeting point

National Park Adventure Center Weidendom - Infohütte, Admont (B 117, at the turn-off to Johnsbach)

Start 09:00 am

Arrival information

Public transportation

Austrian Federal Railways: www.oebb.at

BusBahnBim information: www.busbahnbim.at

Bus route G912 - stop Bachbrücke/Weidendom.

If possible, travel to our events by public transport or use the Gesäuse shared cab (+43 3613 21000 99) during the summer months.

There is a charge for parking in the Gesäuse National Park (day ticket € 6.00). You can find more information about the parking lots here. General information on how to get to the Gesäuse National Park can be found here.

Date and time

  • 25 May 2024
  • Saturday - Starting at 09:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address

This offer has expired