Der stille Ozean von Gerhard Roth | © F. Killmeyer Der stille Ozean von Gerhard Roth | © F. Killmeyer

Sat., 08/06/2024 from 16:00 o'clock

Literaturwanderung: "Der Stille Ozean"

Literature hike & Film

St. Ulrich in Greith is a picturesque place in the middle of a tranquil landscape. The writer Gerhard Roth, who died last year, spoke of a "silent ocean". The literary hike follows in the footsteps of his novel of the same name, in which he tells of places and people from the surrounding area. Visitors are given a window into the country and its people. If one or two views seem familiar, this is by no means coincidental. This unique landscape has inspired Austrian literature and has provided more than just a green backdrop in seven films. The afternoon is accompanied by reading stations with the actor Simon Hatzl and ends with a glass of Schilcher.

Meeting point: former Lesky department store, Obergreith 110, pure walking time: 45 minutes Finish at the Gasthaus Finsterl Duration up to 2.5 hours

Participation free of charge

Registration required at: / 03465 20200

Date and time

Sat., 08/06/2024
Starts at: 16:00 O'clock

Event location

St. Martin im Sulmtal - St. Martin im Sulmtal


Kulturhaus St. Urich i. Greith
Kopreinigg 90
8544 St. Martin im Sulmtal