The emerald green mountain lake has been a widely known excursion destination in the
ERZBERG LEOBEN region for decades.
The scenic, spectacular, flat circuit around the mountain lake offers enjoyment for the whole family. With electric and rowing boats from the local boat rental we have the opportunity to enjoy some sunny hours directly on the lake. For watermen and bathing mermaids, the lake offers refreshing cooling on hot summer days from June - August. Thanks to its outstanding location, nestled between mountains, the Leopoldsteinersee is one of the most beautiful landscapes in the whole of Styria.The mountain lake is located at about 600 meters above sea level, it is 1400 meters long and 370 meters wide, its deepest point is 31 meters. According to legend, a water sprite was captured near this lake. In order to buy his release, he showed his captors an iron ore deposit, Erzberg, which is only a few kilometers away.The lake tour starts at the parking lot and leads along the lakeshore for about 3 km on a gravel road (closed to public traffic) to the snack station
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From the south: Via St. Michael in Upper Styria on the B 115 via Trofaich to Eisenerz.From the north: From the Enns Valley from Liezen via Hieflau to Eisenerz
The more beautiful variant is to walk around the Leopoldsteinersee clockwise. From the parking lot we walk down the road to the lake outlet. Cross the bridge (here a turnoff to the left leads to the ascent to the Hochblaser and Klettersteig) and turn right onto a meadow. We now follow the path which always leads through the sparse forest on this side of the lake. At the end of this bank we reach the gravel and sandy beach. There we cross a small bridge, walk past a kiosk and along the lakeside road back to the parking lot.
Sufficient parking available!
leopoldsteinerseerunde_img_3516310 | © Tourismusbüro Eisenerz | TV Erlebnisregion Erzberg mail: Tel.: 03848/3600
leopoldsteinersee | © Stadtgemeinde Eisenerz | Michael Pezmann
Leopoldsteinersee | © TV Hochsteiermark
Leopoldsteinersee | © TV Hochsteiermark
What the weather will be like
Eisenerz (711m)
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.
Early clouds will gradually clear to leave the region with a dry and sunny day.
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