Scenically very beautiful climb along the well-known North-South long-distance hiking trail.Wonderful deep view of the Erzberg and Eisenerz as well as the Vordernberger valley. The mountain tour is located in the
From the inn
"Präbichlerhof" through the Grübl (3 steep steps) to the Rösselhals. There you change to the Eisenerz side and cross a steep grassy slope. Soon you reach a fork in the path, here there are two options:
a) Via the "Steinerne Stiege"'
Follow the path until you reach the rocks, from here the path leads up a few meters on a rocky head, secured by ladders. Over several hairpin bends you reach the summit (only for sure-footed mountain hikers).
b) Normal path
From the junction, take the right path and thus avoid the rocky upswing. You reach the summit via several hairpin bends.
What the weather will be like
Trofaiach (658m)
Early clouds will gradually clear to leave the region with a dry and sunny day.
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.